I don’t know about you, but in the normal everyday stressful routine I always wish I had more time to read and specialize professionally. Somehow, though, my ‘learning time’ always gets pushed down the priority ladder. There is always one more meeting to attend, or one last e-mail to send, before I get to invest in myself…

And you? When was the last time you did something just to develop your professional know-how?
No matter what your role is or what field you work in with lasers, staying on top of industry news and trends will help you gain knowledge and identify opportunities for growth – giving you a competitive edge.
We live in a very special time. A time which allows us to be more focused on our family, friends, and hobbies, but also focus on our work and fields of interest.
Especially now – Keeping up to date with the laser measurement industry doesn’t need to be difficult. Here are some simple strategies you can start on today
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Get the news delivered straight to your inbox. If you’re faced with a lack of time and a cluttered inbox, try getting into the routine of reading through industry emails at the same time each day—whether that’s first thing in the morning, before you pack up for the day, or during your lunch break.
Ophir Photonics Group Blog– Laser Measurement
ePulse: Laser Measurement News
Get social (yet still keep social distancing! 🙂 )
In case you’ve missed it- Social media has become one of the best sources of industry news. Our Ophir Photonics – Laser Measurement community is growing, and much of the conversation is happening on social media! On our social accounts, we do lots of professional content sharing, bringing you the best updates, technical tips, webinars and industry news that are relevant to your daily work. Why? It’s simple. We care about your success. So don’t give up on your daily social media fix.
Ophir Photonics Group – Laser Measurement (Facebook)
Ophir Optronics Solutions Ltd. / Laser Measurement – by Ophir Photonics (LinkedIn page/LinkedIn group)
Ophir Laser Group (Twitter)YouTube channel

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