What would live concerts, festivals and TV shows be without breathtaking laser shows and stunning special effects?
laserfabrik GmbH is active in this field worldwide and has more than 20 years of experience. One area that has become increasingly important in recent years is stage marking. The aim here is to indicate the positions of actors and technical crew on stage by using laser projections.
But the safe usage of the lasers remains the highest priority for the laserfabrik team.
The company’s proprietary series of measurements, taken with Ophir sensors, yielded instructive insights on the laser power for this purpose.
Spectacular shows
Fast-changing colors and shapes, unique projections, and everything choreographed precisely to the music: at festivals, the laserfabrik team employs several dozen show lasers.
The event experts plan and execute dazzling laser displays, special effects and — together with art2O — water fountain shows all around the world. And ever more frequently, the laserfabrik team also receives targeted requests to undertake stage marking with lasers.
The advantages are obvious: The positions can be changed dynamically and activated just at the right moment. Plus, the different laser colors provide a clear distinction between the positions of different actors.
However, because laser marking takes place in the ‘audience area’, the safety requirements governing their use for this purpose are very stringent. According to current directives, the protected zone extends from the ground up to a height of 2.7m, since even at festivals it must be ensured that no persons are injured.

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