Finding the right sensor to measure your laser pulse energy can be daunting. It doesn’t help that measuring energy tends to be more complicated than measuring power. There are more parameters that need to be considered and this leads to more lines in the datasheet for each energy sensor. In this slideshow, I explain what each line of the datasheet means.
Laser Energy Sensor Specs: Step by Step

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Please, I would like to know the features the head specifications.
P / N 1Z02206
S / N: 54829
What measures head?
I appreciate if someone can help me, I’m in Brazil and with difficulty. The Ophir manufacturer reported not knowing about head sensor.
Best regards,
Hi Marcel,
Sorry for the late response; I was on vacation.
This head is an older version of the 10A thermal sensor (datasheet:–measurement/sites/default/files/10A_30A-BB-18_L30A-10MM_50%28150%29A-BB-26.pdf). The new version has more fins for better cooling and is also RoHS compliant.
You can use the sensor to measure average power of CW or pulsed lasers up to 10 W, and to measure single-shot energy up to 2 J.
Was there a particular specification other than these general ones that you wanted to know?
Please can someone tell me the characteristics of the sensor
Ophir-150C V-P-JCM. What is the max power. J/cm ²/V
I need to measure
Laser Type – AlGaAs Diode, Pulsed
Wavelength – 800nm
Repetition rate – Single
Spot size – 9 x 9 mm
Fluency – 10-60 J/cm² and 100 J/cm² c / 400ms
Pulse duration – TM 5-400 ms Optipulse
Thank you
I couldn’t find the sensor you mention, but I’ll keep looking. Based on your laser specifications, you probably want a thermal sensor in the 150C family (datasheet:–measurement/sites/default/files/150C-SH_150C-UA_150C-UAU_150W-UA_150W-UAU_0.pdf).
The exact coating and sensor depends on some more details about your laser operation, so I suggest you discuss this directly with our distributor in Brazil:
Good luck and let me know if you have any more questions.
Found it!
Our product manager got me a copy of the spec sheet, so email me ( if you want me to send it over to you.
If you’re looking to order a new sensor, though, I’m afraid this is a very old sensor that we no longer offer. (The spec sheet is from 2003.)
All the best,
Dear Effy,
Please send me Email with the specifications would be very important to me.
I appreciate your concern but I will not do anything to jeopardize any equipment or Ophir.
My email: